Heinen’s Daffodil Cake: A Treat for the Ages

Daffo-delicious and beautiful to the eye, its no wonder why our Daffodil Cake has been a customer favorite for decades.
Much like you hold your grandmother’s homemade chocolate chip cookie recipe close to your heart for the memories it evokes, there’s a special, sentimental story behind our Daffodil Cake that makes this sweet treat even sweeter for our bakery and for you!

What makes this cake so special? It all started when Cleveland’s favorite Hough Bakery, joined forces with local grocer, Joe Heinen to open a small bakery section in his family-owned grocery store.
In a time when a trip to the bakery and a trip to the grocery store required visits to two different brick and mortar locations, combining the city’s leading grocery store with the city’s leading bakery was futuristic, but as customers began to explore Hough’s baked goods during their usual grocery haul, they were quickly enamored with the convenience, and the Daffodil Cake.
Historically, the Daffodil cake was a moist angel food cake frosted with buttercream icing and sprinkled with bits of grated citrus and crushed pineapple. Only available at Easter, this particular treat was a constant fixture for many Clevelanders.

After many years of success, Hough’s sadly went out of business, and with it, went many prized recipes.
Knowing the impact that the Daffodil Cake had on the Cleveland community, our talented team of bakers channeled the delicious fan-favorite flavors and created their own unique confection featuring three layers of light white cake, filled and iced with a whipped frosting infused with pineapple juice and enhanced with crushed pineapple bits you can see. And, just when you think it can’t get any more beautiful, the cake is garnished with a duo of signature buttercream daffodils on top.
Just in time for Easter, stop in to your local Heinen’s Bakery to try this limited time, fan-favorite springtime treat. Hurry! They’re sure to sell out fast.