We Know Our Sources: Heinen’s Cage-Free Eggs

In 2021, Heinen’s made the commitment to sourcing and selling only cage-free shell eggs in the Dairy Department.
We’ve partnered with companies who share our values, including a commitment to improving animal welfare because we know it is important to our customers, results in a high quality product and it is simply the right thing to do!

But what, exactly, does “cage-free” mean? For most hens, it represents a vast improvement in quality of life including space to preen, scratch, stretch and engage in natural chicken behavior.
All Heinen’s-brand eggs meet the United Egg Producer’s guidelines regulating temperature, air quality, nesting space and the availability of fresh food and water.
Additionally, to ensure freshness, all Heinen’s eggs are sourced from local Ohio farms and are processed within 24 hours of being laid.

The most popular varieties among Heinen’s customers are the Organic and Omega-3 Enriched cage-free eggs. The organic label means that the birds are fed certified-organic feed and cannot be dosed with antibiotics. As for Omega-3, this essential fatty acid is packed into the hens’ feed as well and is loaded with heart-healthy benefits. Omega-3 Enriched eggs are an important source of this beneficial nutrient because our bodies cannot make it on their own.
In order to fully serve customer needs, several other brands of cage-free eggs are available at Heinen’s, including Eggland’s Best, Organic Valley, Pete and Gerry, Greenfield Farms and Phil’s (Chicago only).
Free-range eggs are available from Nellies, NestFresh and Country Hen Heirlooms.
Pasture-raised eggs are available from Heinen’s, NestFresh, Vital Farms, Handsome Brook and Hillandale Farms. Davidson supplies pasteurized cage-free eggs.
Time to get cracking!