We Know Our Sources: Honey Sweet® Onions

If there’s one ingredient that adds flavor to our favorite savory dishes, it’s onions! From soups and stews to pastas and morning omelets, nothing beats the crisp flavor of this fresh bulb veggie!
Now, the world of onions has become sweeter, literally, thanks to the deliciously mild HoneySweet® onions from our partner, Little Bear Produce!
The HoneySweet® onion is known as the most “eatable” onion on the market. How do we know? According to Little Bear’s Onion Flavor Rater, the lower the Pyruvate acid level of the onion, the sweeter it’s flavor. The HoneySweet® onion has a Pyruvate acid level of a 1-3, while the zestiest of onions have a level of 7-9!

Grown for nearly eight generations from an exclusively developed and perfected seed, the HoneySweet® onion is planted in five regions, making it’s mild and sweet flavor available year round.
With close supervision over the growing, harvesting and packaging of their HoneySweet® onions, the team at Little Bear looks at the size shape, color, skin condition and flavor of each individual bulb to ensure that only the highest quality, best tasting onions arrives to your dinner table.
As you plan holiday menus and quick weeknight dishes, be sure to add a tasty HoneySweet® onion to your ingredients list for wholesome mild flavor!